Below is a growing list of on-line course materials an links. Links marked
with an asterisk (*) point to PDF files; to view them, you may need to obtain
the proper plug-in and Reader software from Adobe.
• A handout on Wigner-Eckardt theorem* and on WKB & Variational Method*
• A sample quiz*
• The first mid-term exam* (and its solution*)
• The second mid-term exam* (and its solution*)
Both mid-term exams have an in-class and a take-home component. After having done as much as possible in-class (in 1 hour), the students complete and correct their work over the next couple of days, at 2/3 of credit. That is, a proposed take-home solution (or part thereof) supersedes the in-class attempt. However, as take-home effort only carries 2/3 of the credit, students should rework only those (parts of) problems where they can successfully solve at least 1.5 times more than they did in-class.
• The final exam*, take-home and comprehensive.
The sample term paper; Alpha Decay* (updated 2012.01.31) is provided for the Student's benefit, as additional information complementing the text and other class-notes and handouts.
• Visual Quantum Mechanics by the good folks at Kansas State University.
• Computational Physics by the good folks at Oregon State University.
© Tristan Hübsch, 2013