Below is a growing list of on-line course materials an links. Links
marked with an asterisk (*) point to PDF files; to view them, you may need
to obtain the proper plug-in and Reader software from Adobe .
Handouts and Auxiliary Notes
• Piecewise constant and continuous potentials: solutions and boundary conditions*
• A graphic introduction to stationary state perturbation theory*
• Some instructive applications of perturbation theory*
• Angular mometa & the Wigner-Eckardt theorem*
Testing Materials
• Some sample quizzes*
• The1st mid-term exams: '98* (and its solution*), '02*, '03*
• The 2nd mid-term exams: '98* (and its solution*), '02*, '03*
Both mid-term exams have an in-class and a take-home component. After having done as much as possible in-class (in 1 hour), the students complete and correct their work over the next couple of days, at 2/3 of credit. That is, a proposed take-home solution (or part thereof) supersedes the in-class attempt. However, as take-home effort only carries 2/3 of the credit, students should rework only those (parts of) problems where they can successfully solve more than 150% of what they did in class.
• The final exams: '98*, '02*, take-home and comprehensive.
Day | Presentation slides used in class: |
01. | The Quantum Nature of Nature: Quantum Waves and Superposition |
02. | Linear Vector Spaces, Linear and Self-Adjoint Operators |
03. | Hilbert Spaces and Probability Theory |
04. | Formalism of Quantum Mechanics |
05. | Transformations, Symmetries and Identification |
06. | Quantization and Compositeness, Equations of Motion and Conservation Laws |
07. | The Schrodinger Equation and Probability, The Free Particle |
08. | Sequentially (Piecewise) Constant Potentials |
09. | Tunneling and Path Integrals |
10. | Momentum Representation, Bloch's Theorem and Linear Force Field |
11. | The Linear Harmonic Oscillator |
12. | The Angular Momentum Formalism |
13. | Spin, Finite Rotations and Addition of Angular Momenta |
14. | Tensors, Wigner-Eckart Theorem and Rigid Bodies |
15. | State Preparation and Determination, Composites and Indeterminacy |
16. | Measurement, Interpretation of a State Vector and Caveats |
17. | Recombination and Conditional Probabilities, and The Measurement Conundrum |
18. | The Spherical Potential Well and the Hydrogen Atom |
19. | Indeterminacy and Strange Bound States |
20. | Stationary State Perturbation Theory |
21. | Variational Method |
22. | Classical vs. Quantum Theory and Motion in Uniform Static Magnetic Field |
23. | The Aharonov-Bohm, the Zeeman effects |
24. | The Paschen-Back effect and general cases |
• Visual Quantum Mechanics by the good folks at Kansas State University.
• Animated (Quantum) Physics by the good folks at Seven Stones Multimedia.
• Misconceptions in Quantum Mechanics, as compiled and explained
by Daniel F. Styer (Department of Physics, Oberlin College Oberlin, Ohio)
© Tristan Hübsch, 2013