Quantum Mechanics 1: e-Gear

Below is a growing list of on-line course materials an links. Links marked with an asterisk (*) point to PDF files; to view them, you may need to obtain the proper plug-in and Reader software from Adobe .

Last years' exams and study material

Handouts and Auxiliary Notes

• Piecewise constant and continuous potentials: solutions and boundary conditions*

• A graphic introduction to stationary state perturbation theory*

• Some instructive applications of perturbation theory*

• Angular mometa & the Wigner-Eckardt theorem*

Testing Materials

• Some sample quizzes*

• The1st mid-term exams: '98* (and its solution*),  '02*, '03*

• The 2nd mid-term exams: '98* (and its solution*),  '02*,  '03*

Both mid-term exams have an in-class and a take-home component. After having done as much as possible in-class (in 1 hour), the students complete and correct their work over the next couple of days, at 2/3 of credit. That is, a proposed take-home solution (or part thereof) supersedes the in-class attempt. However, as take-home effort only carries 2/3 of the credit, students should rework only those (parts of) problems where they can successfully solve more than 150% of what they did in class.

• The final exams: '98*, '02*, take-home and comprehensive. 

Day Presentation slides used in class:
01. The Quantum Nature of Nature: Quantum Waves and Superposition
02. Linear Vector Spaces, Linear and Self-Adjoint Operators
03. Hilbert Spaces and Probability Theory
04. Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
05. Transformations, Symmetries and Identification
06. Quantization and Compositeness, Equations of Motion and Conservation Laws
07. The Schrodinger Equation and Probability, The Free Particle
08. Sequentially (Piecewise) Constant Potentials
09. Tunneling and Path Integrals
10. Momentum Representation, Bloch's Theorem and Linear Force Field
11. The Linear Harmonic Oscillator
12. The Angular Momentum Formalism
13. Spin, Finite Rotations and Addition of Angular Momenta
14. Tensors, Wigner-Eckart Theorem and Rigid Bodies
15. State Preparation and Determination, Composites and Indeterminacy
16. Measurement, Interpretation of a State Vector and Caveats
17. Recombination and Conditional Probabilities, and The Measurement Conundrum
18. The Spherical Potential Well and the Hydrogen Atom
19. Indeterminacy and Strange Bound States

Stationary State Perturbation Theory

21. Variational Method
22. Classical vs. Quantum Theory and Motion in Uniform Static Magnetic Field
23. The Aharonov-Bohm, the Zeeman effects
24. The Paschen-Back effect and general cases

Some possibly useful links:

Visual Quantum Mechanics by the good folks at Kansas State University.

Animated (Quantum) Physics by the good folks at Seven Stones Multimedia.

• Misconceptions in Quantum Mechanics, as compiled and explained
    by Daniel F. Styer (Department of Physics, Oberlin College Oberlin, Ohio)

© Tristan Hübsch, 2013

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