Spring/Summer-School and Workshop Participation
• International Summer-School in High Energy Physics, Kupari, Yugoslavia; 9/80.
• International Summer-School in High Energy Physics, Kupari, Yugoslavia; 9/81.
• International Conference on Phenomenology of Unified Theories, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; 5/83.
• III Adriatic Meeting: Supersymmetries and Supergravities, Dubrovnik,
Yugoslavia; 6/83.
• International Summer-School in High Energy Physics, Kupari, Yugoslavia; 9/83.
• Spring Workshop on Supersymmetry and Supergravity, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 4/84.
• Summer Workshop on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 6–8/85.
• II Workshop on Fundamental Physics, Humacao, Puerto Rico, USA; 3/86.
• International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries, Dubrovnik; Yugoslavia, 6/86.
• IV Adriatic Meeting: Supersymmetry and Superstrings, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; 6/86.
• Summer Workshop on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 6–8/86.
• Summer Workshop on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 6–8/87.
• Summer School on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP, Trieste, Italy; 6–8/88.
• XIII International School of Theoretical Physics, Szczyrk, Poland; 9/89.
• Workshop on Mirror Symmetry, Berkeley, CA, USA; 5/91.
• AMS Meeting Special Session on Mirror Symmetry, Lexington, KY; 3/94.
• Workshop on Mirror Symmetry, Stillwater, OK, USA; 3/95.
• The JAMI Conference on Birational Geometry, Baltimore, MD, USA; 4/96.
• SUSY 96 Conference, College Park, MD, USA; 5–6/96.
• Conformal Field Theory Workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany; 6/96.
• Integrable Models and Strings Workshop, Hannover, Germany; 6/96.
• AAPT New Faculty Workshop, College Park, MD; 10–11/96.
• Workshop on Geometry and Physics, Hsinchu University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 7/98.
• Title III Workshop: Changing the Face of Education In the Millennium and Beyond, San Diego, 12/98.
• “Geometric Transitions” Workshop, Caltech-USC Center for Theoretical Physics, Los Angeles, 01/02.
• Annual Conference of the National Society of Black Physicists, Atlanta, GA, 02/03.
• 9th Adriatic Meeting: “Particle Physics and the Universe”, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 09/03.
• International Conference for Physics Students, Novi Sad, Serbia & Montenegro, 08/04.
• K-theory and Supersymmtery: Mathematics & Physics Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle, 02/05.
• AMS Meeting, Special Session: “K-theory in M-theory”, University of Oregon, Eugene, 11/05.
• BIRS Workshop: Off-shell Supersymmetry via Graph Theory and Superspace (2nd D.F. Ghil Workshop), BANFF, Canada, 07/06.
• 3rd D.F. Ghil Workshop, University of Washington, Seattle, 06/07.
• Workshop on Supersymmetry, Graphs, and Codes at Pepperdine University, Pepperdine University, Malibu, 09/07.
• Geometric Analysis: Present and Future, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, 08/27/08–09/01/08.
• VA-DC-MD String and Particle Theory Meeting, Charlottesville, October 6,
• Topical Conference on Elementary Particles, Astrophysics, and Cosmology, Fort Lauderdale, December 13–20, 2012.
• Focus Program on Topology, Stratified Spaces and Particle Physics & Workshop on Singular Spaces in String and M-theory The
Fields Institute for Research in Mathematical Sciences, University
of Toronto, Canada, August 15–19, 2016.
• Southeastern Regional Mathematical String Theory Meeting, Virginia Tech. University, Blacksburg, VA, October 07, 2017.
• String Theory, Geometry and String Model Building, Mainz Institute for Theoretical Physics, Mainz, Germany, September 10–21, 2018.
• (Virtual) Strings 2020, Cape Town, South Africa, 06/29/2020–07/03/2020.
• String Math 2020, Cape Town, South Africa, 07/27/2020–07/31/2020.
• String Math 2021, IMPA, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 06/14–18/2021.
• Strings 2021, ICTP-SAIFR, São Paulo, Brazil, 06/21–07/02/2021.
• Mathematical Dialogues: Celebrating the 110th Anniversary of the Birth of Prof. S.-S. Chern, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 08/2–13/2021.
• Southeastern Regional Mathematical String Theory Meeting, Duke University, Durhman, NC, 10/08/2022.
• Miami Topical Physics Conference, Department of Physics, Miami University, Coral Gables, FL, 12/14–20/2022.
International Summer-School in High Energy Physics Kupari,
Yugoslavia; 09/83.
Elementary Particle Physics and Gauge
Summer Camp “Letenka”, University of Novi Sad,
Yugoslavia; 06/84.
Frontiers of Contemporary Elementary
University of Novi Sad, Yugoslavia; 12/85.
Preons from Superstrings
Second Workshop on Fundamental Physics Humacao, Puerto Rico; 3/86.
Calabi-Yau Manifolds
University of Vienna, Austria; 6/86.
Theory of Unified Nuclei?
International Conference on Nuclear Structure, Reactions and
Symmetries, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; 6/86.
Construction of Calabi-Yau Manifolds
IV Adriatic Meeting, Dubrovnik, Yugoslavia; 6/86.
Manifold Compactification of
Summer Workshop in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP, Trieste,
Italy; 6/86.
Do Superstrings Lead to Quarks or Preons
University of Crete, Iraklion, Greece; 6/87.
Superstrings on Calabi-Yau Manifolds
University of Crete, Iraklion, Greece; 6/87.
Polynomial Deformations and Cohomology
on Calabi-Yau Manifolds
» Summer Workshop in High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP, Trieste,
Italy; 6/87
» University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX, USA; 9/87
» University of Texas A&M, College Station, TX, USA; 9/87.
Phenomenology of Superstring Theories
Institute “Rudjer Bošković”, Zagreb, Yugoslavia;
Superstrings and Cohomology of
Calabi-Yau Manifolds
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; 9/87.
Possible Transitions Among (Many of)
Calabi-Yau Vacua
» CERN, Geneva, Switzerland; 6/88;
» Summer School on High Energy Physics and Cosmology, ICTP,
Trieste, Italy; June-6/88.
Finite Distances Between Distinct
Calabi-Yau Vacua
California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA; 6/88.
Connected Calabi-Yau Compactifications
» University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; 9/89;
» Fermilab, Batavia, USA; 6/89.
Unified Calabi-Yau Compactifications
» Institute “Rudjer Bošković”, Zagreb, Yugoslavia;
» the Enrico Fermi Institute, Univ. of Chicago, Chicago,
USA; 6/89.
Sigma-Model vs. Point Field
Description of Compactification
Institut für Theoretische Physik, Universität Wien, Wien,
Austria; 9/89.
Chameleonic Sigma-Models
» Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA; 6/90;
» The Los Alamos Theory Group, Los Alamos, NM, USA; 6/90.
Topology Changing Sigma-Models
Oklahoma State University, Norman, OK, USA; 6/89.
Realistic Superstring Compactifications
Oklahoma State University, Norman, OK, USA; 6/89.
Elusive Conifolds (Sick Landau-Ginzburg
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA; 6/90.
Cohomology Computation through Advanced
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA; 6/90.
Web of Topologically Distinct Calabi-Yau
MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA; 6/90.
Stringy Cosmic Strings
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 6/91.
Calabi-Yau Cosmic Yarn
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA; 6/91.
Possibly Realistic String Theories
The National Tsing-Hua University Physics Dept., Hsinchu, Taiwan;
Gravitation and Quantum Physics of the
Real World: Strings
Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan; 6/91.
A Generalized Construction of Mirror
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA; 6/92.
Spacetime Variable Calabi-Yau Vacua
MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA; 6/92.
An SL(2)-Action and Lefschetz
Decomposition of Jacobian Rings
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, USA; 6/92.
On Springs, Strings and Sphinx
Howard University, Washington, DC, USA; October ’92.
Of Cosmic Yarn - Or, From Strings to
Cosmic Strings
Howard University, Washington, DC, USA; December ’92.
Mirror Landau-Ginzburg Models
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA; 6/93.
Calabi-Yau Cosmic Strings
Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, NJ, USA; April ’93.
The Mirror Symmetry of Manifolds with
K=0 may Nevertheless be Trivial
AMS Meeting in Lexington, KY; 6/94.
Partition Functions for Supersymmetric
and Calabi-Yau Models
University of Maryland, College Park, MD; April ’94.
Mirror Symmetry for Algebraic Varieties
- Benefits from String Theory
Howard University, Washington, DC, USA; October ’94.
The Origins of Mirror Symmetry for
Algebraic Varieties
Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK, USA; March 1995.
Life, Death and Resurrection of
Chargeless Matter (from Superstrings)
University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; December ’95.
A Hitchhiker’s Guide to
Superstring Jump Gates and Other Worlds
» University of Maryland, College Park, MD, USA; 6/96.
SPS Zone 6 Meeting, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, April
12–14, 2013.
On Square-Roots of Nothing,
Supersymmetry and Error-Correcting Encryption
Department of Mathematics, Bard College, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY,
April 18, 2013
Kvantna supersimetrija i binarna
enkripcija (Quantum Symmetry and Binary Encryption)
Department of Physics, University of Zagreb, Croatia, May 21, 2013
Mreža Calabi-Yau Mnogostrukosti
(The Real World Wide Web)
The “Rudjer Bošković” Institute of Physics,
Zagreb, Croatia, May 23, 2013
Effective Symmetries: Clues and
Department of Physcis and Astronomy, Howard University, Washington,
DC, October 22, 2014.
Effective Symmetries: Signs, Signals and
Department of Mathematics, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL,
April 09, 2015.
Through the Looking Glass: When the
Mirror Image Grows Up
Department of Physics, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH,
September 30, 2015.
Generalized Complete Intersections and
Novel Calabi-Yau Varieties
Department of Mathematics, Howard University, Washington, DC, February
19, 2016.
Novel Ricci-Flat Ground States
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Howard University, Washington,
DC, February 28, 2016.
Od stringova do ’brana i svega
ostalog (From Strings and ’branes to everything else) [@YouTube]
Department of Physics, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia, May
13, 2016.
Sinhronicitet u matematičkim i
fizičkim otkrićima: slučajnost ili smisao?
(Sinchronicity in mathematical and
physical discoveries: serendipity or significance?)
» Department of Mathematics, University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia,
May 14, 2016.
» Inaugural talk of the Society of Mathematicians of Novi Sad
» Department of Physics, Virginia Tech. University, Blacksburg, VA,
October 06, 2016;
» Department of Physics, Brown University, Providence, RI,
December 14, 2016.
Novel Ricci-Flat Ground States, Part 2
Department of Physics and Astronomy, Howard University, Washington,
DC, February 8, 2017.
Classical and Quantum Gravity (since 1986)
Acta Mathematica (since 2006)
Advances in Mathematical Physics (since 2011)
Advances in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (since 2005)
Communications of Mathematical Physics (since 1990)
Foundations of Physics (2009)
International Journal of Modern Physics A (since 2014)
Journal of Geometry and Physics (2011)
Journal of High Energy Physics (since 2005)
Journal of Mathematical Physics (since 2010)
Journal of Physics A, G (since 1987)
Modern Physics Letters B (since 2013)
Nuclear Physics B (since 1992)
Physica A (since 1987)
Physica Scripta (since 2015)
Physics Letters B (since 98)
Physical Review D (since 1988)
Physical Review Letters (since 1989)
Symmetry (since 2015)
Universal Journal for Physics and Applications (since 2014)
Reviewer: Mathematical Reviews (1988–1997)
Proposal & Project Reviewer
American Institute of Physics/Physics Today Book Reviews (since 2014)
Chapman & Hall/CRC Press (since 2006)
CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group (since 2021)
Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia (since 2006)
Research Corporation for Science Advancement (since 2017)
University Science Books (since 2012)
U.S. Civilian Research and Development Foundation (since 2006)
Wiley-VCH GmBH (since 2022)
09/85–09/87: Research Assistant on a US National Science
Foundation Grant
(PI: J.C. Pati and J. Sucher), at University of Maryland,
College Park, MD
09/87–09/88: Postdoctoral Research Associate on The US National
Science Foundation Grants
PHY8503890 (PI: P. Candelas) and PHY8605978 (P.I.: S. Weinberg),
at University of Texas, Austin, TX
09/88–09/90: Postdoctoral Research Associate on The US National
Science Foundation Grant
PHY8605978 (PI: S. Weinberg), at University of Texas, Austin, TX
06/90–09/92: Postdoctoral Research Associate, by The US
Department of Energy Grant
DE-FG02-88ER-25065 (PI: S.-T. Yau), at Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA
09/92–05/94: Consulting Research Associate on The US Department
of Energy Grant
DE-FG02-88ER-25065 (PI: S.-T. Yau), at Harvard University,
Cambridge, MA
06/93–09/93: PI on the internal Faculty Research Support Grant
Simple Molecular Spectra and Supersymmetric Ground States,
at Howard University, Washington, DC.
10/93–12/93: Co-PI (PI: P. Misra) on a PEW Educational
Trust Grant
Computer-Assisted Information Age Education for the Physics
Department, through the Graduate School of Howard University,
Washington, DC.
10/94–09/96: Co-PI (PI: L. Klein, Co-PI: K. Kumar) on
The US Defense Nuclear Agency Contract
High-Z Atomic Physics Model Development, DNA001-94-C-0180
at Howard University, Washington, DC.
09/96–08/99: Co-PI (PI: D. Venable, Co-PI: A. Batra)
on The US Department of Education MSIP Grant
Computer-Aided Improvement of Introductory Physics Courses for
Science Students, at Howard University, Washington, DC.
06/94–05/12: PI on The US Department of Energy Grant
Superstrings and Quantum Superfields, DE-FG02-94ER40854 at
Howard University, Washington, DC.
07/ 99–06/00: PI on the Funds for Academic Excellence Grant
Program award
Development of On-Line Learning Yardsticks: Interactive
Evaluation and Self-Evaluation Instruments, at Howard University,
Washington, DC.
10/99–09/02: Co-PI (PI: D.Walton 99/00, Co-PI: A. Batra,
00-02) on The US Department of Education Grant
Distributed Education Workshop: Development of Web-Based and
Computer-Aided Introductory Physics Course Content, at Howard
University, Washington, DC.
08/05–05/07: Co-PI (PI: G. Dunston, co-PI:
F. Berezovskaya, J. Leslie and J. Trimble) on the HU
Mordecai Wyatt Johnson Grant
Linking the Structure of DNA Sequence and Quantum Superstrings
Using Topological and Dynamical Modeling, Simulation and Information
Technology, at Howard University, Washington, DC.
Fundamentalna fizika elementarnih čestica
(Fundamental Physics of Elementary Particles, in Serbian)
(Prirodno-mathematički fakultet, Departman za fiziku, Novi Sad, 2011)
[ ispravke ]
Adapted from the Publisher’s web-site: Uniting particle physics and quantum field theory with gravity and general relativity, this textbook of fundamental and theoretical physics describes the quest to consolidate the basic building blocks of nature. Designed for advanced undergraduates and graduate students it provides a conceptually unified and logically consistent understanding of all matter at the fundamental level through worked examples, detailed derivations, as well as historical, philosophical and methodological commentary.
P. Candelas, P. Green and T. Hübsch: in Strings
’88, p. 155 eds. S. J. Gates, Jr.,
C. R. Preitschopf and W. Siegel (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1989).
[E.27] “Natural Origin of Inflation within a
Class of Supersymmetric Preon Models”
M. Cvetic, T. Hübsch, J. C. Pati and
H. Stremmnitzer: in Proc. of XXIV International Conference on
High Energy Physics München, Aug. 4–10, 1988 , p. 1538
eds. R. Kotthaus and J. H. Kühn (Springer
Verlag, Berlin, 1989).
®[E.28] “Natural Origin of Inflation within a Class of
Supersymmetric Preon Models”
P. Candelas, P. S. Green and T. Hübsch: in
Proceedings of the Third Regional School on Mathematical Physics,
Islamabad, Pakistan, eds. A. Qadir and F. Hussain (World
Scientific, Singapore, 1990).
®[E.32] “Relation Between the
Weil-Petersson and Zamolodchikov Metrics”
[E.76] “Relating
Doubly-Even Error-Correcting Codes, Graphs, and Irreducible
Representations of N-Supersymmetry”
C.F. Doran, M.G. Faux, S.J. Gates, Jr.,
T. Hübsch, K.M. Iga and G.D. Landweber: in Discrete and Computational Mathematics, p. 53–71, eds. F. Liu et al., (Nova Science Pub., Inc., Hauppage, 2008), arXiv:0806.0051.
®[E.77] “Super-Zeeman
Embedding Models on N-Supersymmetric
®[N.05] “SpinBFpn(6)
Boson-Fermion Dynamical Symmetry for Hypernuclei”
T. Hübsch and V. Paar: Z. Phys. A320
(1985) 351.
®[N.06] “Approach to Hypernuclear Structure Based on
Boson-Fermion Dynamical Symmetry and Supersymmetry”
T. Hübsch and V. Paar: Fizika17
(1985) 211.
®[N.07] “Theory of Unified Nuclei?”
T. Hübsch: in Nuclear Structure, Reactions and Symmetries,
p. 253, eds. R.A. Meyer and V. Paar (World Scientific,
Singapore, 1986).
[N.08] “Boson-Fermion Symmetries and Dynamical
Supersymmetries for Odd-Odd Nuclei”
A.B. Balantekin, V. Paar and T. Hübsch: in Nuclei
Off the Line of Stability, p. 14 eds. R.A. Meyer and
D.S. Brenner (American Chemical Soc., Washington DC, 1986).
®[N.09] “SpinBFpn(5)
Boson-Fermion Dynamical Symmetry and Supersymmetry for Odd-Odd Nuclei
Associated with UB(5) Boson Limit and Exemplified for 62Cu”
T. Hübsch and V. Paar: Z. Phys. A327
(1987) 287.
®[N.10] “Decomposition of Boson-Fermion Group Chain
Associated with Symmetry/Supersymmetry in the jp = 3/2,
jn = 3/2, SUB(6)
⊃ SUB(5)”
T. Hübsch and V. Paar: Fizika19
(1987) 203.
[N.11] “Algebraic and Supersymmetric Treatment
of Odd-Odd Nuclei”
V. Paar, S. Brant, D. Vretenar, D.K. Sunko,
A.B. Balantekin and T. Hübsch: in Symmetries and
Semiclassical Features of Nuclear Dynamics, p. 179,
ed. A.A. Raduta (Springer Verlag, Berlin, 1987).
For those who know what this means, my Erdős number
is 3, via my collaboration with Shing-Tung Yau [E.44, 45, 46], and my
Witten number is 2, via my collaboration with Philip Candelas [E.25,
26, 30, 31, 32, 50, 53]. If you are interested to know how much other
researchers care to cite the research I have published, see my
inSPIRE publication footprint,
Scopus/Elsevier profile,
Semantic Scholar profile,
ORCID record,
Google Scholar profile.