Fundamentals of Mathematics--MAT 100
Revised Fall 2005
Course Syllabus
Quarter: Fall
Day & time
course meets: Wednesdays, 6:15–10:00 pm
Instructor: Tristan Hubsch
Instructor phone number: 703-798-3622 (mobile)
email address:
Instructor office hours, office location:
by e-mail
Academic office phone number: 703-330-8474
(voice), 703-330-8417 (fax)
This course is intended to serve as an introduction to algebra. Emphasis will be on representations and operations on numbers and sets, as well as introductory concepts of basic statistical measurements, variable expressions, and first-degree equations.
Upon the successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
a. Add, subtract, multiply, divide, and take powers of positive and negative whole
numbers, integers, decimals, and fractions
b. Follow order of operations in long calculations
c. Understand the relations between decimals, fractions, and percents
d. Work with variable expressions
e. Solve linear equations in one unknown
f. Solve percent problems
g. Gain a knowledge of set theory useful for computer programming
h. Extract and interpret data from tables and graphs
i. Gain a firm foundation for advance algebra courses
course instructor may provide additional learning outcomes.
Fundamentals of Mathematics.
Special customized
edition, Pearson Custom Publishing, 2005.
A Scientific Calculator is required.
MyMathLab is optional, but strongly recommended (read next page).
Each lecture period will start by the instructor providing the solutions to the homework problems assigned at the previous session. The instructor shall then give a detailed discussion of a new mathematical theory, along with solved examples and real-life applications. Based on the pace of instruction, problem-solving, cooperative and individual learning sessions will be incorporated in the learning process in this class.
MyMathLab is an online textbook-based diagnostic evaluation and tutorial program recommended to students in this class. It is a PC-based optional and supplemental tool that may be used to facilitate learning and enhance instructional effectiveness in mathematics classes. This technology tool supports active and reinforces the use of mathematics content through the process of active computer-based instruction and criterion-based testing in the classroom or online. MyMathLab sets the attainment math learning objectives and skills, determine the appropriate reinforcers, select procedures for changing levels of student math skills, record results and evaluate progress and revise as necessary.
Specifically, MyMathLab includes the class textbook, a variety of multimedia instructional resources. Unlimited practice exercises, self-paced learning modules, online homework and testing, and an individual study plan – all correlated to the examples and exercises in your textbook
MyMathLab is supported and maintained by the publisherÕs web server and the required plug-ins for this tool are standard. MyMathLab is delivered inside a web-based course delivery system called CourseCompass. Before accessing MyMathLab, you need to register in CourseCampass using student access code and the MyMathLab Course ID provided by your instructor.
á To find the detailed system requirement, go to
á To register or log into MyMathLab, go to
á For more information about MyMathLab, go to
AOL users cannot access MyMathLab using AOL browser. However, you can log in to AOL, minimize the AOL browser, and then launch Internet Explorer (or any supported browser) separately to access MyMathLab.
For step-by-step information on how to access and initiate MyMatLab, please read section XV in this document.
There will be two exams, one midterm and one comprehensive final. The students' final grade will be
computed as the average of these grades and other additional class assignments
determined by the class instructor.
The following is the topical outline of the course. Under Ònormal circumstancesÓ we should be able to follow this outline; special circumstances may warrant an adjustment, to be announced in class and on-line.
09/28: Whole Numbers and Integers (Chapters 1 and 2)
10/05: Integers—Continued and Introduction to Algebra (Chapter 2)
10/12: Fractions (Chapter 3)
10/19: Fractions—Continued (Chapter 4)
10/26: Midterm Examination: 3-hour in-class, Chapters 1 – 4, open text
11/02: Decimals (Chapter 5)
11/09: Graphics and Statistics (Chapter 6)
11/16: Ratio and Proportion (Chapter 7)
11/23: Percent (Chapter 8)
11/30: Set Theory (Chapter 9)
12/07: Comprehensive Final Examination: 3-hour in-class, open text
TOPICS: Numeration Systems (Chapters 10
and 11) and Geometry (Chapter 12).
First Week: Whole Numbers and Integers
At the end of the first week the students should be able to
¯ Perform basic arithmetic operations with whole numbers and integers
¯ Solve equations with whole numbers and integers
¯ Apply concepts to solve problems involving whole numbers and integers
Second Week: Algebraic Expressions
At the end of the second week the students should be able to
¯ Evaluate algebraic expressions
¯ Simplify variable expressions by combining like terms
¯ Use the addition and division principles to solve equations
¯ Add and subtract polynomials
Third Week:
the end of the third week the students should be able to
¯ Add, subtract, multiply, divide and simplify fractions
¯ Find a factor of a number and tell whether a number is prime, composite or neither
¯ Solve equations using the multiplication principle
Fourth Week:
At the end of
the fourth week the students should be able to
¯ Find the Least Common Multiples (LCM)
Use and operate on fraction notation
¯ Solve equations using the principles together
Fifth Week: Midterm
Examination and Mixed Numbers. At the
end of the fifth week the students should be able to
Convert from mixed-numbers to fractions and vice versa.
Add and subtract mixed numbers
Multiply and divide mixed numbers
Sixth Week:
At the end of
the sixth week the students should be able to
¯ Add and subtract decimals
¯ Multiply and divide decimals
¯ Express decimals as fractions
Seventh Week:
Graphing and Statistics
At the end of the seventh week the students should be able to
¯ Extract and interpret data from tables and graphs
¯ Graph linear equations
¯ Find the mean, median and mode of a set of numbers
Eight Week:
Ratio & Proportion
the end of the eighth week the students should be able to
¯ Simplify ratios and solve proportions
¯ Apply ratio and proportion concepts to word problems
¯ Use proportions in geometric applications
Ninth Week:
At the end of the ninth week the students should be able to
¯ Express percents as decimals or fractions
¯ Express fractions and decimals as percents
¯ Calculate percent increase and percent decrease
Tenth Week:
Set Theory
At the end of
the tenth week the students should be able to
¯ Identify sets, union, and elements
¯ Use Venn diagrams (Graphic Display)
¯ Distinguish between Conjunction and Disjunction
Week: Final Examination
Final grade:
Midterm examination =
25 %
Final examination =
40 %
HW Assignments =
Quizzes =
Class participation & attendance =
10 %
Grading scale:
90 - 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
Below 60 F
Instructors have the
option of giving the grade of Incomplete ("I") only to a student
whose work in a course has been satisfactory, and the student, because of
illness or other circumstances beyond the student's control, has been unable to
complete some small part of the course work. The student must remove the
"I" grade by completing work assigned by the instructor. It is
the responsibility of the student to request and make arrangements with the
instructor to complete the work during the following quarter by the date
specified. Otherwise the "I' automatically becomes an administrative
"F" ("F*"). An administrative "F" counts as a
"O" in determining the grade point average.
No student receiving an
"I" can be on the Honor Roll or the Dean's List for that quarter.
Please review the policy
and procedures covering academic dishonesty in the Strayer University Catalog.
Regular attendance of
scheduled classes is required and essential for effective learning. It is the
student's responsibility to inform the instructor prior to an absence from
class. Messages can be left at the e-mail address or phone listed
above. Students are responsible for work missed during an absence.
Regular review of course
materials and completion of weekly assignments is required and essential for
effective learning. A weekly
attendance report is logged according to your participation. The
student will be given credit for attendance for a week if they have accessed
the course web page at least once during the week, otherwise an ÒabsentÓ entry
will be reported for attendance. It is university policy that if a
student misses four consecutive class sessions they will be administratively
withdrawn from the course. This could result in a grade of
"WF", if withdrawn (see academics for specific date). More than (3)
absences will be defined as unsatisfactory progress, lowering the course grade
or potentially resulting in a grade of "F". If a student stops
attending classes without administratively withdrawing from the course, the
student may receive a grade of "WF". The last day to withdraw
without academic penalty is (see academics for specific date). The procedures
to withdraw are outlined in the Strayer University Catalog.
Online attendance of
classes is the sole responsibility of the student. It is possible to be
disconnected from the Internet from time to time due to technical difficulties.
If being disconnected continues uncontrollably, you are urged to call Strayer
Online Tech Support at (800) 422-8055 or email your concern to Please do not allow computer problems to
disrupt your participation throughout the course.
UniversityÕs academic philosophy is to provide each adult student with an
opportunity to actively learn and demonstrate competencies needed in todayÕs
high performance workplace.
Opportunities will be made available for you to reach your maximum
learning potential. Just as in the
workplace, it is expected that you will complete all assignments and
assessments by the due date. You
instructor may deduct credit for assignments turned in after the due date.
University holds its students to high standards of academic integrity and will
not tolerate acts of falsification, misrepresentation, or deception. Such acts of intellectual dishonesty
include, but are not limited to, cheating or copying, fabricating data or
citations, stealing examinations, unauthorized use of instructor editions of
textbooks, taking an exam for another, tampering with the academic work of
another student, submitting anotherÕs work as oneÕs own, facilitating other
studentsÕ acts of academic dishonesty, using Internet sources without citation,
or any other form of plagiarism.
For more details
on Strayer UniversityÕs Academic Integrity Policy, please contact your Campus
Academics Office.
. Learning
Resources / Library
resources to help students succeed academically are available through the
Strayer University Library. Each
campus Learning Resources Center (LRC) offers print resources, books, and
periodicals for research.
Circulating books located at any LRC may be requested for use through
the LRC Specialist.
resources are also available online, and can be accessed from any computer
connected to the Resource tab located on eCollege course web pages. The online search tool EBSCO Host and
other LRC resources can be accessed through the universityÕs website at They provide thousands of full text
periodicals, over 25,000 electronic books, radio and TV transcripts, the
complete Encyclopedia Britannica, access to the Strayer library catalog, online
tutorials, and useful links to Internet resources. A tour of the LRC is highly recommended and can be scheduled
through your LRC Specialist.
You will be required to attend tutoring if your instructor determines, at any time during the quarter, that you need additional help in order to progress successfully in the course. With tutoring assistance you will be able to receive additional help to address deficiencies, answer questions, and identify strategies to be successful in this course. Your instructor will provide tutoring meeting times and place.
Free tutoring is also available through the publisher of the class textbook, PearsonÕs Tutoring Center (PTC). To sign up for free math tutoring at PTC, you may call 1-888-777-0463 (5 pm –12 am EST) or register at using your CourseCompass Course ID or student access code
do you need to get started?
A valid email address
If you donÕt have it, contact your
school technology center or set up a free account on a website that offers this
service (for examples: or )
Course ID
Contact your
instructor to obtain it. The
course ID is unique for each course.
Student Access Code
If your new textbook is not
bundled with student access code, you need to go to your campus bookstore to
purchase a standalone Student Access Kit ( The kit contains access code card
and instructions ) for your textbook.
You may go to the
virtual bookstore to purchase it online using a credit card.
What steps do I take next?
In order to register, you will need to use the Course ID.
Go to
For an audio tour on how to register, click on
ÔTake a TourÕ, and select the ÔRegister and enroll in a course
with a codeÕ tour.
Click on the Students ÔRegisterÕ
Enter your six-word access code found inside your student
access kit, under the
Register only ONCE using the access code in your kit. You will
create your own
Login Name and
Password. After registration youÕll receive a confirmation
After you've registered: Login at (bookmark this
URL), using the
Login name and Password you have just created.
From the Welcome page click on your course, then choose the
Wizard link to
check that your computer has the required set-up and plug-
ins. The MathXL
player must be installed for you to work
exercises within
the tutorial,
homework, and tests.
For help on entering answers, go to the audio tour:
and click on the How to Enter
Answers Using the MathXL Player link.
* If you have questions or need assistance call tech support at 1 800 677 6337