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- Calabi-Yau Manifolds
— A Bestiary for Physicists, 2nd Ed. 2024
- (World Scientific, Singapore, 2024; hardcover)
[ WSci, DOI:10.1142/q0484 ]
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- A revised and updated “Paperback edition: 1994,” ISBN 981-02-1927-X, is advertised by 3rd party sellers, but be aware: copies with a generic cover (mostly white with a blue right-hand sidebar) may well contain the 1992 edition. The authentic 1994 edition is easy to spot by the updated Library of Congresss Cataloging data page, it has an 1994 updated Preface and its index ends on p. 374. This official 2nd edition supresedes both previous editions: it contains almost all of the original material, has about twice as many referencess and numerous updating notes and comments throughout the book. I hope you find it a worthwhile read.
The 2024 cover has a scan of Donna D'Fini's original photograph within the redrawn lettering of the 1992 original.
- ERRATA (2nd edtition, 2024):
- “p.n” = page n;
“P.n” = full paragraph n;
“l.n” = line n, n > 0 is counted downward , n < 0 upward; “§.m.n” = section n of chapter m.
If you notice any kind of error in the book, please, do let me know!
- p. iv (impressum) and v, missing dedication page: as in 1992 and 1994, an almost blank page inscribed simply “családomnak”.
- p.112, P.2, l.12, (end of §.4.1.3): “ heptigoogol ” is a made-up word for 10700, so it should not have been plural.
©2025, Tristan Hübsch